Title VI Non-Discrimination

Title VI Non-Discrimination
Mobile Airport Authority assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency (LEP)), sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), creed, or age, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (PL 100.259), Section 520 of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, and related authorities (hereafter, “Title VI and related requirements”), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that receives U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) funding. Title VI also prohibits retaliation for asserting or otherwise participating in claims of discrimination.
Mobile Airport Authority further assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs are federally funded or not. The Mobile Airport Authority Board of Directors agrees, among other things, to understand the communities surrounding or in the flight path, as well as customers that use the airport. Anytime communities may be impacted by programs or activities, the Mobile Airport Authority will take action to involve them and the general public in the decision-making process.
Mobile Airport Authority requires nondiscrimination assurances, as prescribed by the FAA, from each tenant, contractor, and concessionaire providing an activity, service, or facility at the airport. Assurances must be included in any related lease, contract, or franchise agreement between Mobile Airport Authority and each tenant, contractor, and concessionaire, as well as in any similar agreements with their own sub-tenants and sub-contractors.
Please see the Airport Title VI Plan for the Mobile Airport Authority. This plan will be updated no less than once every 3 years.
Title VI Complaints
49 CFR 21.11; 49 CFR 21 Appendix C (b)(3); 28 CFR 42.406(d)
These procedures are for complaints of discrimination under Title VI and related laws (hereafter “Title VI Complaints.”
In order to be a Title VI Complaint, the complaint must:
1. Allege discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including LEP), sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), creed, or age or violations administrative requirements under Title VI or related laws.
2. Not only be for employment matters
3. Allege misconduct by the Mobile Airport Authority, including airport employees, contractors, concessionaires, lessees, or tenants.
4. Concerning an airport facility or actions by the Mobile Airport Authority including airport employees, contractors, concessionaires, lessees, or tenants.
Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the discriminatory event, must be in writing, and must be submitted to the Title VI Program Manager: Please Find the Form Here.
Rita L. Barren - DBE Liason / Title VI Program Manager |
1891 Ninth Street, Mobile, AL - 36615 |
(251) 438-7334 |
rbarren@mobairport.com |
Individuals are not required by federal regulations to file a complaint in this manner, but may file complaints directly with the appropriate outside agency, such as the U.S. Department of Transportation, or the Federal Aviation Administration at:
Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Civil Rights, ACR-1
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20591
If a complaint is initially made by phone, it must be supplemented with a written complaint before 180 days after the discriminatory event has passed. If a verbal complaint is received, the complainant should be given a copy of the Airport Discrimination Complaint Procedures and instructed to submit a written complaint. Accommodation will be provided upon request for individuals unable to file a written complaint due to a disability.
Initial Procedure. The Coordinator may meet with the complainant to clarify the issues, obtain additional information, and determine if informal resolution might be possible in lieu of an investigation. If successfully resolved, the Coordinator will issue a closure letter to the complainant, record the disposition in the complaints log, and report the resolution to FAA.
Any complaint with disability noted as the basis for the complaint will be forwarded to the Mobile Airport Authority’s ADA Compliance Officer for review and investigation. The Mobile Airport Authority’s Title VI Program Manager will work with the Human Resources Administrator for conducting investigations of Title VI complaints. Upon completion of the investigation, the Title VI Manager will compose a final report. If a Title VI violation is found to exist, remedial steps as appropriate and necessary will be taken immediately. Should the Mobile Airport Authority receive a Title VI complaint in the form of a lawsuit, the Mobile Airport Authority Legal Department will be responsible for the investigation of the complaint.
If a complainant wishes to withdraw their complaint, they must state such in writing. Investigative activity will cease and notice of the complaint withdrawal will be logged and forwarded to the FAA.
The Title VI Program Manager shall maintain a log of Title VI complaints received, which shall include the date the complaint was filed, a summary of the allegations, the status of the complaint and actions taken in response to the complaint. Reasonable measures will always be taken to protect confidential information to the extent permitted by the law.
Title VI Unlawful Discrimination Notice | View Here |
Title VI Regulations - 49 CFR Part 21 | View Here |
Title VI Complaint Form | View Here |
Title VI Complain Form (Spanish) | View Here |
Title VI Program Plan (2024) | View Here |
Title VI Community Participation Plan (2024) | View Here |